Are you want Connect online OneDrive to MS-Excel / Power Bi for your data as you have not enough time to open OneDrive continuously? it is automatically updating process, just one time setup.

Then you will be the right place, here we will learn how to connect OneDrive to excel? for this you have latest version to be available of MS-Excel. Let’s learn.

Step:- 01

First of all, open your OneDrive and select your excel file that is connect to MS-Excel then right click on file then click on Embed button.

Connect OneDrive to excel 02.

Step:- 02

Now you will see a window on right side like below.

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Step:- 03

Here Click on generate button for generating embed code.

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here we will get the embed code, that we used for getting the address of File.

Step:- 04

Then Copy the embed code and paste in any notepad file, then edit it. here we select only URL from ” http://……….2″ and delete rest code.

Here in URL, we replaced embed with download and add &app-Excel after 2 like in below figure.

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Step:- 05

After correction of URL copy it and paste it in excel>Data tab>from web

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Step:- 06

Then Click on ok

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Step:- 07

Here we will find new dialog box, after some time processing. then select sheet that you want to extract to excel and press Load To button that is given in bottom of dialog box.

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Step:- 08

we want to export data from OneDrive to MS-excel so we use Load To after that click on ok and in few seconds your data will be available here.

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It is online data if any changes in OneDrive file, then it will be also reflected here. and it is automatically update by simple Right click on table and click on Refresh. Enjoy Thank you

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